Forester ® 150EC

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KSh 2,700
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MODE OF ACTION: Fluazifop-p-butyl kills annual and perennial grasses, but does little or no harm to broad-leaved plants (dicots). It kills by inhibiting lipid synthesis (lipids are necessary components of cell membranes), particularly at the sites of active growth.


Crop Target Rate Method of application
Beans, Peas, Cabbages, onions, Canola, Carrots, Pulses, Potatoes, Sunflower, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Fruits and all other vegetables. Annual and perennial grasses 1.5 L/ha or 600 ml per Acre

7.5 ml per litre of water


Apply as early post-emergence to weeds at 2-8 leaf stage.

FORESTER® 150EC applications should be made preferably to small active growing weeds, up to 10 cm high especially the difficult to control ones like Digitaria spp.

Do not tank mix with broadleaf herbicides; wait for 7 days after a FORESTER® 150EC application before applying another herbicide.

Do not plant cereal or grain crops within 2 months after applying FORESTER® 150EC.

APPLICATION TECHNIQUE: Apply FORESTER® 150EC as foliar application to annual and perennial grass weeds. Ensure adequate coverage of foliage for excellent results.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Weeds should not be treated when moisture-stressed. Under very low moisture conditions, FORESTER® 150EC only shows moderate activity on weeds, similar to that of other post-emergence standard products.

PREPARATION OF SPRAY MIXTURE: Fill spray tank with half the amount of required water. Add required amount of FORESTER® 150EC and fill the water to the required level. Agitate to ensure thorough mixing. Use the spray mixture on the same day of preparation.

COMPATIBILITY: DO NOT use FORESTER® 150EC in a mixture with any other chemical remedy if the effect of the mixture has not been confirmed on broadleaf crops.

RE-ENTRY PERIOD: DO NOT enter treated areas until spray deposits are completely dry. If entry is necessary, protective clothing should be worn.


Brand Greenlife Crop Protection Africa
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